Reading Notes: Fables of La Fontaine, Part A

Myth-Folklore Unit: Fables of La Fontaine, Part A

Tortoise and the Hare:
-They challenged each other to a race
-The Hare laughed at this challenge and though it seemed to easy
-They both agreed, and the Hare decided he had plenty of time to goof off before he needed to start the race because he thought the tortoise would take a long time to reach the finish line
-The Hare loses track of time and by the time he begins the race, the clever and focus tortoise had already crossed the finish line and won
The Focused Tortoise. Wikimedia.

The Dog and His Image:
-The dog walked around with his juicy bone and came across a pond
-When he looked into the pond he saw another juicy bone (but it was only his reflection), so he jumped in after it
-He lost his juicy bone, did not find the other bone, and almost drown because of his gluttony and greed for another bone that he did not need

Story Source: Un-Textbook. Fables of La Fontaine.


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