My Feedback Thoughts!

I believe feedback and constructive criticism are key components for improvement. When I was younger I did not enjoy receiving criticism, but as I got older I began to realize the importance of feedback and how beneficial it is especially for my job performance and school work. Before a person can receive constructive feedback, I think it is necessary for a person to have challenging but realistic expectations set for himself/herself.

(Image Information: Thumbs Up; Web Source: flickr).
This article was a little frightening for me, and this is probably because I feel that many of the descriptions in the article are aligned with my own behavior, actions, and beliefs. In the first part of the article it mentions that if you’ve ever cried about getting a B+ or ending up in second place, there’s a good chance you’re a perfectionist. Some other parts of the article stood out to me as well, and it even discusses adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists. Even though I have cried about getting a B+ I feel I am an adaptive perfectionist because there were significant parts of the article which were applicable to me and other parts that were not. The signs of perfectionism discussed in this article are important to be aware of because extreme perfectionism can cause unhealthy and negative effects in person’s life.

The other article I read had gave me more insight on how to combat perfectionism. A person should recognize personal strengths and focus on those areas. It is not beneficial to worry about areas of weakness and potential mistakes that can occur, and using strengths will result in optimal performance and reduce performance anxiety. Also, a person should set high standards for himself/herself, but they should be realistic and achievable expectations.


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